Part 90: And now we are prepared to enter the belly of the beast.
-Commercial City of Bose-

Are you ready to slay a mother fuckin' dragon?!
If so, shame on you. That poor creature has been enslaved and we're going to rescue it.

Right after this new monster bounty.

Reina: Still, next is a return to her family in the Empire as soon as this ends...Really, Miss Felicity hasn't even the time to rest.
Imperial Noble: I see, so you will be returning to your family in the Empire after this?
Felicity: Yes, that is my current schedule. I still have a short break from the academy, so I shall visit with my father.
Imperial Noble: Hm, you truly are the woman I expected you to be. Possessed of progressive thoughts on one hand, while also equipped with our moral principles from yore. I feel I should again offer thanks to Aidios for allowing us to meet.
Felicity: N-No...P-Please, stop. I am nothing but an inexperienced girl.
Imperial Noble: No, it is definitely not an excessive estimation, I believe. Compared to you, I am far more the inexperienced party here.

Royal Army Officer: I still can't believe how that dragon outmaneuvered and outran our ships, though. That thing really does possess power beyond our understanding.
Soldier: We were worried the Erebonians might react badly to the capture attempt and all those airships being mobilized. We haven't heard a peep from them, either way, though. Honestly, that's making a few of us even MORE worried. Bose sits right on the Empire's 'southern march.' It's not like the Blood and Iron Chancellor guy to stay quiet when something this big is going on...

Butler Mayner: In the darkest moments, I did fear that...ah, but it has not come to pass. It lifts all our hearts to see her healthy and well.

Campanella is letting Zane borrow his invisibility for this scene. Pay him no mind.

Sister Rosa: And yet she insists on going right back to work! She's not well enough to be straining herself so! Perhaps if I hog-tie her to the bed...

Corna: I wonder if she'd even still be here, if she's alive...

Buck: The opinion going around is that we'll be done sooner than expected at the rate we're going. Got the strength of the merchants of Bose on display, here!

Jacob: Back then, too, the town was in such a state that everyone chipped in to put it all back together.

-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

Lewey: Did you catch the dragon yet?

Lewey: Oh, o-okay...Good luck! I'll be rooting for you! Everybody was up late talking. I guess they're really busy with the orchard.
Fran: I wonder if Pesca and Gray made up? They're grown-ups, so they ought to be able to work together!

Limon: Already back at work?

Limon: Being a bracer really is a full-time job, isn't it? Well, once you're done for the day, come over and have a drink. I'll treat you to one of our best ciders.

Orange: I thought your injuries were keeping you in bed.

Orange: Thankfully not. The Goddess was watching out for us, I'm sure.

Orange: Goodness! That's positively devout, coming from you. I'll pray for Her blessings to reach you on your way, then.

Vince: Are you gonna go beat up the dragon?

Vince: Awesome! Do your best! We'll be rooting for you!

Figaro: The view here feels so much lonelier now. We all must come together and rebuild somehow.

Melony: Pesca was all smiles afterward, too. Maybe things are looking up.

Elder Reisen: How goes your capture plan?

Elder Reisen: Haha! That's wonderful news! But I must implore you: be careful. Especially you, Agate. Your sister would haunt me for eternity if something happened to you.

Elder Reisen: Hmmm. That's good enough for me, I suppose. Be careful, all of you. And good luck. Dragons are creatures beyond mortal understanding. Who knows what could happen if you challenge one?

Birnette: Thank Aidios! I'm glad to see you on your feet again.

Birnette: I'm glad to hear that, but...It sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you. Please, take care of yourself.

Put on those T-Anklets and Mirage Rings for this one.

-Obstructive Existence-

These cute little fellas hop around and Petrify, or impede.

No, I don't know what the hell 'Meadow Task' is supposed to mean.

-Rock on the Road-

-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-

Whemler: Oh...Agate. And the little sprout's group.

Whemler: Hmmm. You kids seem like you're filled with purpose this time...What's happened? Tell me.

Estelle explained about the dragon attacks around the region and how it disappeared into the northwest part of the valley.
Whemler: Ohhhh...I see. Explains all the noise a little while ago, at least.

Whemler: Absolutely not.

Whemler: ...Let me ask you kids one question. Once you find that dragon, what're you going to do?

Whemler: Goodness...Children today know nothing. You kids are treating that dragon as if it's just a big monster. That's no dumb beast you're hunting. That is a divine creature older than the Great Collapse.

Whemler: Trying to 'slay' that creature would be nothing but suicide. So be good and leave it to the Royal Army. Honestly, most of the army's got their heads up their ends, too, but maybe he could...

Whemler: ...Anyway. I've no desire to send young people to their graves. I'm sorry, but I can't help you.

Whemler: Mm?

Whemler: Heheh. Finally got a bit of nobility on that ugly mug of yours, eh? Your sister'd like that. Well, after a speech like that, guess I have no choice but to help, eh?

Whemler: Nah, don't worry about it. I'm not doing anything that big. I'll head out first and get things ready. Come find me when you're ready, I'll be at the deepest point of the western side.

Whemler: It's going to involve a bit more than just telling you. Anyway, come as soon as you can to the west side by foot. I'll be waiting.

-Rock on the Road-

Whemler: Aye, go straight across and you'll reach a rocky mountain. It's got a cave in it that'll let you climb up farther. Your dragon's over that way.

Whemler: If that's all for you sprouts, then, I'll be heading back to my hut. Mind yourselves, though, that cave's packed with all manner of nastiness. If things get dangerous, don't be stupid. Turn around and rest up. If you need a break, come by the hut and I'll help you out.

Estelle jotted down a short description of the situation.

Falcon's Voice: Screee?

Estelle attached her note to Sieg's leg.


Now Agate and Olivier can match

-Leiston Fortress-

Julia took the message from Sieg's leg.


there is no help

This is it. The dragon's lair.

But there's more loot.

I get it already, game, you wanted me to bring Kloe. Tough.

Okay. Now we're ready.